HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 27, No. 6 | Page 8

Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E H . Web Melton , III - Bush Ross , P . A .

A Time For Thanks

Our success is rooted in our membership and the support of all the dedicated young lawyers that lead and participate .

The YLD ’ s theme for the 2016-2017 Bar year was Get Connected , Get Involved ! I am happy to report that we accomplished that goal , and I look forward to the YLD continuing to expand , grow , lead and make a difference in our profession and our community . Last year we saw both a substantial growth in our social media following and improvement in how we communicated with our members . In addition , after soliciting feedback from participants and young lawyers , we worked diligently to improve the quality of our programs . Almost all of our events , happy hours , lunches , community initiatives , and

other endeavors had record participation and success . This success is rooted in our membership and the support of all the dedicated young lawyers that lead and participate .
This year was a success because of the hard work of hundreds . I would like to specifically thank the YLD board of directors : Traci Koster , Drew McCulloch , Maja Lacevic , Amy Nath , Alex Palermo , Adam Fernandez , Colleen O ’ Brien , Jason Whittemore , Jeff Wilcox , Melissa Mora , Brett Metcalf , Katelyn Desrosiers , Laura Tanner and Judge Samantha Ward , our judicial liaison . These volunteer board members are the true backbone of the YLD . Their hard work and dedication is worthy of praise .
I also would like to thank all our committee chairs and committee members who helped to make our events so successful . While I do not have space to thank every young lawyer who made a difference , I would like to
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recognize the committee chairs : Don Greiwe , Harold Holder , Stephanie Generotti , Dane Heptner , Tom Curran , Yolyvee Gordon , Lyndsey Siara , Zachary Bayne , Andrew Smith , Ty Lindsey , Tiffany McElheran , Robyn Bonivich , and Melissa Gonzalez . Each one of them worked diligently to make each and every one of our events a success .
None of our success would have been possible without the amazing HCBA staff . John Kynes has proven to be an outstanding executive director , and Laurie Rideout has been a tremendous asset as the staff liaison to our board . Also , Stacy Williams has been responsible for much of our increased social media presence . She , along with the entire bar staff , has been instrumental in working and advancing our social media and communications platform , as well as courting sponsors .
I would also like to especially thank Chief Judge Ficarrotta and the judiciary for their constant support and guidance they provide to the young lawyers . The HCBA and the YLD has a very unique relationship with our judiciary . The presence of Judge Ficarrotta and other judges at our events , and the eagerness with which the members of the judiciary volunteer to help the YLD and its members , played a significant role in our success . We are forever grateful to the fine Hillsborough County judiciary for the role they play in the lives and development of young lawyers .
Continued on page 7
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