HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 27, No. 6 | Page 6

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E K e v i n M c L a u g h l i n - W a g n e r M c L a u g h l i n , P. A . A Dream Come True: The Young Readers Initiative I am proud to report that lawyers volunteered 208 hours reading to 167 children in six elementary schools. M y first article of the year focused on the Read to Dream program, which was the brainchild of the late John Germany. The idea was simple: start a program whereby lawyers would spend about an hour a week simply reading to elementary school children. The hope was that exposure to literature at a young age would foster a lifelong love of reading. Studies have shown that children who read regularly do better in school, go on to work in higher paying jobs, and are generally more productive citizens. It was for this reason that Mr. Germany wanted the program to target elementary schools with high populations of poor and disadvantaged children. The program featured an eight- week session in the fall and a second eight-week session in the spring. I am happy to report that the program met and exceeded expectations by every measure. 7=*;62&B 8'=2=&B A$?=;B A=%*286' @62&B8;B #;=B*2B(8)B6))8)<6;$=B8<(B<(=B>=6&B<*B2=6%B;8<86<8=B(= 662&B8)B2=)=;<=&B6;;#6''BB<(=B2=)8&=;B:395 +BB/41@B7@-.?>