The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine October Magazine, 2017 | Page 45

It gets even better ! The thinking we may call negative , evolves us to actually be better . In the theory of evolution , a species gets stronger through challenges . It ? s the same with us and our lives , no matter what you may have heard . The species which encountered no " negativity " like the Dodo , were powerless in the face of the slightest challenge . Just like lifting weights at a gym , the tension of our negativity is what evolves us to be better .
So What Does Work ?
First , you want to find what actually does work . After that , like getting good at anything , you have got to practice . People , including spiritual seekers can be notoriously work shy , moving from book to book or crystal to crystal rather than doing the serious transformational work . It ? s the tried and tested practices like meditation that work , not the latest fad which promises to change your life and the world around you without you doing anything . We often have great resistance to do the work that actually works , I know I did . The work that is going to transform you is not always going to be appealing like a sugar fix . It takes commitment to change your life .
Unconditional love is seeing the good in everything we happen to be focused on . Everything includes our negative thoughts and feelings , each and every one of them , even the ones we label " negative ". It is only in unconditional love that we can relax into where we are and thus open the door to our dreams . Rather than rushing to " be positive ", we want to start writing a list of any problems on our mind and then ? mining ? them for good things . It ? s sometimes difficult to do an appreciation list when our mind is turning a problem over and over . So first , you want to face your problem ; face where you are .
Allowing Yourself to Be
Someone in my workshop once asked me if I felt under pressure with the job I do , presumably the pressure to be positive all the time or to be " good " or even " perfect ". When my understanding was different I used to , but I don ? t anymore . My job is to be me . If I make a mistake , I am getting very good at accepting myself and then moving on . Just like a child who has a tantrum and then five seconds later is laughing , with no guilt about what ? s come before , I choose this stance in my daily life . True self-love is allowing yourself to be , whether you ? ve been " great " or made a mistake ( and thus evolved ).
Accepting Where You Are
I ? ve noticed that some people are afraid that if they focus on their problems , they ? ll get more problems . I recommend this exercise : write down only the problems that are actually present in your mind . In other words , choose the problems you are focusing on anyway . Now it ? s important to find a different way to look at them . As you stop the battle with the issue , the issue often leaves you . It ? s the resistance to problems that keeps them in our life .
Getting What You Want by Appreciating What You Have
The journey of personal development often begins with the intention to fix or better yourself in some way . This approach is never ending because the Law of Attraction brings you more of what you are , not what you want . So , if you want to be " fixed ," you will find yourself in ten years or longer , still needing the continuous ? fix .? You attract what you are , not what you want .
Page 45 - Oct ./ Nov , 2017