The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine October Magazine, 2017 | Page 42

slander and bribery . Quite frankly , I believe these illusions spread by each of us are driven by low self esteem and our need for control over others in order to get what we want . We are greater than any control . We were not placed here to be controlled , but we allow others to control us . None of this demonstrates unconditional love .
As unloving as these behaviors sound , our lack of love reaches far beyond our personal relations . We love even less those people we do not know . Other people and life forms have become secondary .
There are many people who don ? t give a second thought about people starving around the world , the killing of endangered species for sport , 168 million child laborers worldwide , virtually 50 % of humanity being abused sexually and physically before they turn 16 , for cultural reasons people are being slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands , meager wages and salaries while CEOs and corporations rake in billions . Our giving permission for these events to continue while looking the other way , clearly demonstrates our near complete lack of love . We are not even close to unconditional love . Not you , not me , not anybody .
The answer rests in being who you are , love , and your shining by example . Any loving energy you send out will heal . It will never harm . It is important to recognize the first person who is healed by you sending love to an enemy is you . When you consciously ( or unconsciously ), do not gift love to anyone , no matter who they are , you create energy blocks that reduce the love energy you are receiving . By doing this you are hurting no one but yourself . You may not like what someone has done , but is your judgment and need for revenge worth curtailing your dreams and desires .
Nonetheless , the power has ever been here for us . It is within us and is not found outside of us . Give gratitude and love All That Is . Gift your love freely and openly . Graciously and with thanks accept the love that comes back to you . As we foster coming from our heart , we amplify the love energy we gift and receive . This enhances our creative energies , and produces a rapid manifestation of our desires . When we judge , hate or do not send our love , we curtail our limitless possibilities .
Let your love flow freely . Love can heal all . There is nothing you can add to love , but you must let go of whatever is holding your love back . There is no right or wrong path to love but you can move to higher energy levels quicker if you consciously strive to be a being of love . As you continue to consciously observe yourself , your mind chatter , emotions and your physical body , your awareness will expand and facilitate opening your heart . This is the nature of you . Surrender to it , become it , work with it . Realize we are all on this journey but we each reach these goals at our own pace . Love is divinity expressed . This is who we are and why you are Divine .
Martin Neil Campbell is an author and business executive who is dedicated to helping people improve their lives by assisting them to find out who they are and who they want to be . As a dedicated supporter of individual spirituality , he believes humanity ? s last major hurdle is in achieving individual empowerment and freedom . His passion is helping people to discover their true Sovereign Self . Visit his website at http :// www . receivingthegiftwegive . com and listen to his popular show Sovereign Self on Law of Attraction Radio Network by going to https :// loaradionetwork . com / sovereign-self .
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