The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine October Magazine, 2017 | Page 39

immediately felt better .
We all have the ability to do this . When we ? re feeling angry , mad , sad , exhausted , whatever , just think of something that makes you smile . Better yet , think of something that makes you laugh . It will immediately raise your energy vibration and is guaranteed to instantly make you feel good .
So to answer your question , yes , I believe you ? re receiving a specific message from Spirit . And that message is to remember you have the power to affect your mood by simply changing your focus to something pleasing .
Wilhma from Cape Town , South Africa , asked : Hi Julie ,
I have been battling cancer for 34 years . It started with breast cancer and after having 2 mastectomies , the last one in 2006 , it came back in 2015 . On top of that , I had a massive soft tissue sarcoma removed in 2011 . In 2013 I had a lipo sarcoma removed and during July of this year I had another sarcoma ( along with the two ribs it was attached to ) removed . I wonder if you can give me some insight and the lesson I have to learn from this disease . I would also like to have a Skype session with you if that is possible . Thanks so much .
Hi Wilhma ,
Wow girl , sounds like you ? ve really been through a lot . I ? m impressed with your strength and tenacity .
In order to see what assistance I could provide , I energetically connected to you in Cape Town .
First and most importantly , at this moment in time , you are not dying . Your spirit is completely in your body . Please check out the 12 phases of Transition on my website ( askjulieryan . com ) to see what it looks like when someone is dying .
Next , you have two large gaping holes and a tear in your energy field membrane . Our energy fields ( spirits ) are the everlasting part of us that has incarnated into a body to have a human experience . And as I perceive it , each energy field has a very thin outer membrane that allows energy to support the human body .
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There is a cannonball sized hole on top of your right breast and another over your upper stomach area . The tear is above your left breast .
The tear and holes are allowing massive energy leaks in your system and not allowing your body to use its full power to heal and return to homeostasis .
Energy leaks are always caused by emotional trauma either in this or a past life and precede illness and disease . The emotional trauma can be something seemingly insignificant like someone hurt your feelings and called you a bad name when you were three , to something major like an accident . Whenever I see energy field membrane tears , I envision myself going in to the hole or tear and I ? m normally shown a mini movie about what happened . I ? m given information about your age , who if anyone was with you , and a bit about the circumstances that happened . Once the trauma is identified , the membrane will immediately heal and in turn , will facilitate healing in the body . I believe it ? s an essential step in the healing process .
I ? ll be delighted to do a private consult with you via Skype or an in-country phone number . Thanks for your question .
Julie Ryan , Psychic and Medical Intuitive , can be heard on The Law of Attraction Radio Network . The Ask Julie Ryan Show welcomes callers on Thursdays at 8pm ET , 7pm CT , 5pm PT and online submissions that may be answered on the air .
For more information please go to www . askjulieryan . com .