The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | Page 37

see that resources are scarce, but that the power of creation is abundant. You will not fear losing anything because you will understand that you are the creator of your reality and as you believe in your creative abilities and you understand the mechanism of physical reality, you do not worry about the possibility of loss. Loss will cease to exist as a fear. The fear of loss can only occur within the unconscious mind. If you understand how this reality is designed, then you can never lose anything. The loss of something only makes room for a new thing to enter. If you give away everything you own, you allow new things to come. If you hold onto what you have out of fear, then you prevent more from entering your wanted, not ?ghting against what is not wanted. More of you will understand the laws of the universe and you will understand that your attention to anything from a stance of fear will only cause the object of that fear to grow. You will realize that anything and everything you want is attracted from a stance of love and appreciation. Therefore, you will realize that the way to build the society that serves what you want is to create it out of love, not fear. All of your decisions will be based on love. You will eliminate most of your laws since they were created out of fear. You will come to under- stand that your laws only restrict the freedom of law abiding people and do nothing to control the actions of those who would commit the crimes regardless of the law. You will move toward freedom when you make decisions based on love. Much of the fear in your society is the fear of loss. You believe you are entitled to the wealth you enjoy. You fear that sharing your wealth with the poor, whether they may live in your own country or another, will cause you to lose your standard of living. But you offset this grand lifestyle by operating from a stance of fear. You must constantly be on guard for you to perceive that others may take what is yours. In the future, you will be more aligned with abundance and less focused on lack. You will not reality. When a society, as a mass consciousness, releases its fear of loss, miraculous changes can occur. By the time this happens your government will be unrecognizable from the form of government you are so familiar with today. In the near future, you will come together as a people understanding the laws of the universe and the mechanism of physical reality. You will no longer have separate approaches to governance. The conscious will lead the unconscious to a new awakening of reality. What is really important will be how you represent yourselves as a people. The great shift will occur when you come to understand that you are all one. This might be the most surreal aspect of awakening. The fact is that you are all Page 37 - M ay, 2018