The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | Page 31

" I felt a tingling all across all along my body ? I was sobbing uncontrollably .?
? I felt like I was in the tractor beam that they talked about in Star Wars .?
Each participant described essentially an altered state that you could call ? a mystical experience .? Then the participants revealed that what they had experienced during the eight days of meditation had , in fact , changed their lives significantly .
Amazingly , many of the participant were getting along better with everybody that they knew . They actually begun to resolve differences with people they ' d been estranged from . Many were essentially hugging strangers . The participants came back extremely transformed by what had happened to them .
When Lynne started looking at these mystical experiences , she found that the participants had five aspects of their experience similar to what American psychologist Abraham Maslow considered the five key attributes of a mystical experience . Participants felt a sense of connection and oneness with the entire universe .
Even the late astronaut Edgar Mitchell , coming back from the moon , described this same kind of feeling as a sense of rejuvenation : colors were brighter and smells became more intoxicating than he ever knew before .
This all suggested to Lynne that there is some sort of an amazing rebound effect or a mirror effect that happens when people are involved in an exercise of intention in a group . After a peace Intention Experiment , participant ' s lives somehow got more peaceful . Lynne stated , " It ' s was fascinating because in a sense , it flips the whole law of attraction on its head !"
Simply put , when we are NOT intending for ourselves but intending for someone else ( even though we may not know them ) we ' re reaping the benefits from it as well .
Lynne started to discover that not only was her big intention group experiments very powerful , the small groups of eight were just as powerful . When shifting away from their own personal needs by focusing on assisting others through intention , a participant ' s own life started working . In other words , there are mirror effects that occur when the they intend for someone else rather than themselves .
Interestingly , neuroscientist Dr . Andrew Newberg performed many studies of people having these kinds of mystical states . He found that when Sufi masters or Buddhist monks were in ecstatic prayer or even when Pentecostal Church members spoke " in tongues ," there became a quieting of the parietal lobes of the brain . These are the areas of the brain that govern our sense of who we are in relation to everything else in the world and help us to navigate through space . In those experiments , Dr . Newberg found that the parietal lobes were turned way down , which meant that the people were experiencing a real sense of oneness and a sense of connection with the energy . They ceased feeling separate .
When Lynne began to investigate her own Power of Eight groups , she found that during these kinds of altered states , participants experienced this amazing sense of oneness . Based on those findings , she decided to do a brain study on it . Life University , the largest chiropractic university in the world , offered to carry out a series of experiments on these groups through their psychology and neuroscience departments .
They enlisted students , many of whom had never meditated before . They were put into small groups and were ask to send intentions to one of the members of the group with a healing challenge . They found that when they were in the process of doing this , the sender had the identical brainwave signatures that
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