The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | Page 29

Imagine a wor ld ...

where there is no more war , no more division , no more lack . Imagine a world where everyone knows how powerful they are individually and collectively .
I am thrilled to tell you that we can now experience the power that we were born with to the fullest extent through the discovery of former investigative reporter Lynne McTaggart .
As many of you know , Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning best-selling author of seven books including The Field and The Intention Experiment ." Through her intensive scientific research , Lynne has shown us our innate ability to heal and create miracles using intention via large groups around the world .
Now she has detailed her amazing discovery through her very powerful new book called The Power of Eight that will completely change how to view intentions and miracles .
Lynne began her career as an investigative reporter in New York , covering some really sinister things like international baby selling rings , with the aid of hidden tape recorders .
After her second book , she moved to the UK and met her future husband , Bryan Hubbard . Early in their relationship , Lynne experienced a mysterious illness that could not be explain by western medicine . Eventually , she discovered a pioneering nutritional doctor who revealed the source of her illness some undiagnosed and other gut issues ) and provided her with the tools to heal . In the process , Lynne learned a great deal about health , so much in fact that both Lynne and her husband decided to launch a publication together called ? What Doctor ? s Don ? t Tell You ." It was with this publication ? first a newsletter and now an international magazine - that Lynne started to change our world .
A stickler for facts , Lynne discovered many scientific studies demonstrating that spiritual
In 2005 , Lynne had a basic question : Can you use intention to heal the wor ld ? And what happens when lots of people ar e thinking the same thought at the same time ? Does it magnify the effect ?
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healing actually has evidence proving it works . When she attempted to discover why this might be the case , she then found a number of frontier scientists who were demonstrating that all living things , including human beings , are part of a giant quantum energy field . She synthesized these findings in what became her bestselling book , The Field .
In researching this book , Lynne also discovered a great deal of scientific evidence showing that thoughts are an actually something with the capacity to change physical matter . As an investigative reporter , she wasn ' t really satisfied with claims being made about the Law of Attraction , in popular books and DVDs , which trivialized this extraordinary power of the mind into using intention for personal gain and materials things .
This was when Lynne decided to attempt to put this power to a bigger test ? to try to use it to heal the world .
She wondered , " What if many people were thinking the same thought at the same time ? Would that actually magnify the effect ?" Her curiosity made her want to put this to the ultimate test .
Lynne knew she had many readers around the world through her best selling book , The Field , ( her books are printed in 30 languages ) and she knew many scientists from writing that book , so she decided to put them together to create a world-wide experiment , which eventually became the well-known " Intention Experiment ." Her book of the same name invited its readers to participate in periodic experiments in well-controlled studies set up by some of the scientists she knew at prestigious universities like Penn State University and the University of California . As Lynne said , " We would set up some controlled experiment and