The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine March 2018 Issue | Page 23

We are living in a most exciting time for humanity. Quantum science, Epigenetics and Bio-Energetics (the study of energy flow through the human system) are revealing it?s time to redefine what it means to be human! Coupled with ancient knowledge from eastern texts, current scientific revelations are changing how we look at life and our role as creators of it. We are a species waking up to our cosmic nature. itself. Understanding this, we realize the potential to be profound, even miraculous ? as life can change in an instant when we change our minds. Miraculous Exists Beyond the Analytical Mind Living in the miraculous is different than living in the world of logic. Our culture values logic tremendously, however when seeing ourselves as the space in-between particles of matter which we can vibrationally command, we begin to live in another realm of life ? the miraculous. Miracles happen beyond logic. That ?s why we cal l t hem miracl es! Quantum Science shows us everything in this material world is made of energy. Physical matter can be broken down into molecules, and molecules to atoms, which can be reduced to the tiniest subatomic particles measured. These in turn are broken down to what appears to be pure empty space inside ? meaning, we are made of pure ?invisible energy? packed into a body! Page 43 Jan ., 2018 That invisible energy is You. You are the awareness that animates that empty space inside. Our analytical mind develops patterns of energy that re-occur consciously and subconsciously, which define specific anchor points of consciousness, such as our identity or who we believe ourselves to be. The miraculous ?us? lives in the spaces in-between those points, where logic doesn?t go until we experience the truth of that empty space. It?s changing the phrase, ?I?ll believe it when I see it,? to ?I?ll see it when I believe it.? We are not human beings working with energy. We are the energy manifesting as humanity. If measured on a continuum, this reality we live in would span from the low vibrational frequency ?manifest? world of physical matter to the high frequency energy referred to as spirit, or consciousness itself. The entire cosmos is a continuum and you are a part of that spectrum. We are not human beings working with energy. We are the energy manifesting as humanity. This realization ? what I call The Quantum Flip - invites us to embody our full potential. Science tells us the human mind has an impact on the physical world around us by rearranging these tiny particles into spaces and conditions that become our realities, relationships and life Currently science is begging us to be fully present in the space between the particles, in-between the controlling tendencies of the logical mind, and awaken and live AS Page 23, M ar ch 2018