The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine March 2018 Issue | Page 10

various emotions. In turn, these emotions are manifested as different phenomena, one after another. What if this chain of relationships evolves to the level of creating social phenomena? If indeed we go that far, those relationships become so complicated that we can no longer grasp what brought this all about. However, it is quite possible that your emotions? your sense of inadequacy or anger, for example? are the very roots of the events occurring in society. If this is the case, by rewinding your life and erasing this sense of inadequacy or anger Photo Credit: Akira Shibata within, you will be able to break the chain of reactions that originated from you. If each of us worked on ourselves with this understanding, we would have the power to reverse social phenomena. I believe the same applies in realizing peace on earth. If we use t his Syst em t o end our inner conf l ict s, t he worl d we see wil l be changed. Ending conf l ict s in each person is not a f ar-f et ched idea. If enough peopl e begin t o appl y t he Syst em as a concret e t echnique, we wil l reach a t ipping point where t he aggregat e of t he resul t s wil l bring about an inst ant aneous t ransf ormat ion. I have seen many such exampl es. Individual consciousness creat es it s own net work of consciousness, and t his col l ect ive consciousness surel y works t o t ransf orm t he worl d. Countries currently in the midst of war or people beset by tragedy may not have what it takes to even begin to think about dismantling or dissecting themselves. That is why those who can do so should act first. I have been communicating Miross with this in mind. Those with whom my thoughts have resonated and who have applied the system have changed and have begun to introduce Miross to others around them. I believe this synergistic ripple effect will become a powerful force to bring about peace and a dramatic transformation of humanity. Rossco is t h e Fou n der an d Pr esiden t of t h e M ir oss In st it u t e an d t h e Cr eat or of M ir oss, a r evolu t ion ar y n ew t h ou gh t syst em developed t h r ou gh 30 year s of r esear ch . Toget h er w it h h is w if e, M idor i, h e is dedicat ed t o in t r odu cin g M ir oss t o t h e w or ld as t h e u lt im at e m easu r e of con sciou s evolu t ion w it h t h e capacit y t o elim in at e all pr oblem s an d cr eat e a societ y of absolu t e peace.