Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2015 | Page 7

Fost er Gam bl e Con 't num ber of sociopathic w ould-be contr oller s, w e ar e m oving into a pr ofound under standing that the essence of the LOA is the essential dynam ic of love. Not just a cr ush, a sexual attr action or fam ily allegiance, but the ?Ai? fr om Ai-ki-do, the non-violent m ar tial ar t, w hich m eans ?the Gr eat Love? or ?living in har m ony w ith.? W hat w e put out changes the univer se, and, being also changed by it, r etur ns to us at the next ener gy level, as bio-feedback letting us know if our actions incr ease the exper ience of fr eedom , cr eativity and love...or hinder it. W hen w e act fr om conscience and com passion, r ather than ?pow er over,? our effor ts ar e am plified by r esonance w ith natur al law. The cosm os as a w hole and our planet w ithin it ar e vast bio-feedback system s that ar e teaching us in each m om ent w hat aligns w ith the natur al flow and br ings health, effectiveness, satisfaction and love. This is the law of attr action. We have the fr ee w ill to go against the life for ce, but doing so r elentlessly br ings discor d, exhaustion, sickness, loneliness and suffer ing. One of my teacher s, Rober t Shaw, taught m e a for m ula for exper iencing satisfaction in life that I find to be a beautiful, sim ple guide for the Law of Attr action. He Fost er Gam bl e i s t h e Pr esi den t of Cl ear said w hen things ar en? w or king w ell, check this t Com pass M edi a an d t h e Co-cr eat or an d equation to see w hat is m issing. Di r ect or of Vi su al Desi gn f or THRI VE: W h at on Ear t h W i l l i t Tak e? S= A + G + C S (sat i sf act i on ) i s a f u n ct i on of A (Accept an ce) pl u s G (Goi n g al l ou t f or w h at w e w an t ) pl u s C (Com m u n i cat i n g) Want to attr act the exper ience of Satisfaction? Accept w hat is in the m om ent, w hile going full out to get it the w ay you w ant it to be (doing no har m ), w hile m aintaining com plete Com m unication and r appor t in r elationships. Page 7 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015