Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2015 | Page 27

childr en at play to notice that they exude happiness. W hy is it that w onder ful quality seem s to fade as w e gr ow older ? It doesn't have to. Recently I w as talking w ith one young lady w ho w as extr em ely talented and ow ned her ow n business, but w as sad and depr essed because she did not have love in her life. I explained to her that she needed look at her life and see all of the blessings that existed in her life now and just be happy now in spite of the fact that she did not have love in her life. I explained that the only m om ent that w e have is now. She w as w aiting for som ething or som eone outside of her self to m ake her happy. The big secr et that she did not know w as that w hen you ar e in a place of happiness and gr atitude for w hat you have now, you cr eate a pow er ful vibr ation and belief. Fr om that place of happiness you w ill attr act m or e happiness into your life, including a w onder ful r elationship. Begin focusing in on w hat you do have in your life and be happy now. M any single people say that they cannot be happy because they ar e alone. The fact is that no m atter how gr eat the r elationship you have w ith som eone else, you ar e still an individual and r esponsible for your ow n happiness. You ar e an individual expr ession of God, so begin to see your self as alr eady com plete. As you put your attention on being in an incr edible state of joy, peace and pur pose you w ill begin cr eating your ow n happiness In my ear lier life ther e w er e m any year s w hen I w as so pitiful. I looked outside of myself and I looked for a m an to com plete m e. Dur ing the holidays, if I did not have a r elationship, I w ould be sad. If I w ent to a w edding alone, I w as sad ? sad ? sad ? sad! I did not r ealize at that tim e that I had a choice. Som e of you m ight b