Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2015 | Page 24

of the sadness and gr ow, but an attitude of ?poor m e? is sim ply being negative. 10. Set a goal? w hether it? exer cise, eating better, s encour aging your child m or e often? each little step for w ar d w ill be r ew ar ding. 11. Pr actice calm ? ever y one of us has hectic days that can unr avel us if w e let them . Br eathe, settle dow n, and tackle one situation at a tim e; you? ll accom plish m or e and feel less str essed. 12. Take a quick inventor y of things ar ound you that ar e com for ting? the pictur es on your desk , the tr ees on the r oadside, the m usic in your car, the bed on w hich you ar e sleeping. W her ever you ar e, ther e ar e r em inder s of your for tune? be thankful! 13. Sm ile m or e? even if you w ake up on the w r ong side of the bed, deter m ine that you w ill not take negative feelings into your day. Tr y sm iling at your self in the m ir r or (and tr y not to laugh!). 14. Get outside? of the building. The sun has an am azing ability to change our per spective; its w ar m th can per m eate even the gr um piest façade. If it? not a sunny day, take a dr ive or take a w alk in the s r ain and appr eciate its ability to r enew and m ake things gr ow ? including you. 15. Get outside? of your self. Too m uch thinking and inter nalizing can m ake you dull and self-center ed. Lift up your chin and be an over com er ? you r eally can be happy if you tr y; and that m akes ever yone ar ound you happy. Feeling Gr eat, Cr eating a Life of Optimism, Enthusia sm a nd Contentment (HCI Books), is a fascinating and com plete guidebook that offer s a sim ple bluepr int for a lifelong em bodim ent of tr ue contentm ent by a tr iad of leading w isdom keeper s--Dadi Janki, Peter Vegso, and Kelly Johnson. This book lets you r eally OW N a per m anently elevated state of m ind and w ay of life. Feeling Gr eat br eaks dow n the elem ents that m ust be pr esent in your life to exper ience sustained peak living. IFeeling Gr eat is available at w w , Am and m any bookstor es. Page 24 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015