The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine January, 2018 | Page 53

K en d r a Car ter
James Leininger
P . M was born with three birthmarks that match the lesions on his half brother , as well as with a swelling 1cm in diameter above his right ear and a dark , slanting mark on the lower right anterior surface of his neck . He also had what ? s known as a ? corneal leukoma ,? which caused him to be virtually blind in his left eye . As soon as P . M . started to walk , he did so with a limp , sparing his left side , and at around the age of 4.5 years he spoke to his mother about wanting to return to the family ? s previous home , describing it with great accuracy . He also spoke of his brother ? s scalp surgery even though he had never been told of it before .
K en d r a Car ter
When Kendra began swimming lessons at the age of 4 , she immediately developed an emotional attachment to her coach . Shortly after she started her lessons , she began saying that the coach ? s baby had died and that the coach had been sick and pushed her baby out . Kendra ? s mother was always at her lessons , and when she asked Kendra how she knew these things , her reply was , ? I ? m the baby that was in her tummy .? Kendra went on to describe an abortion , and her mother later found out that the coach had indeed had an abortion 9 years before Kendra was even born :
Kendra became happy and bubbly when she was with the coach but quiet otherwise , and her mother let her spend more and more time with the coach until she was staying with her three nights a week . Eventually , the coach had a falling out with Kendra ? s mother and cut off contact with the family . Kendra then went into a depression and did not speak for 4.5 months . The coach reestablished more limited contact at that point , and Kendra slowly began talking again and participating in activities . ( source )
James Leininger
At the time of this case , James was a 4 year old boy from Louisiana . And he believed he was once a World War II pilot who had been shot down over Iwo Jima , an island that the United States fought to capture in 1945 .
His parents first realized this when James started to have nightmares , waking up and screaming ? airplane crash ? and ? plane on fire .? He knew details about the WWII aircraft that would be impossible for a youngster to know . For example , when his mother referred to an object on the bottom of a model plane as a bomb , she was corrected by James , who informed her that it was a ? drop tank .? In anther instance , he and his parents were watching a documentary , and the narrator called a Japanese plane a Zero , when James insisted that it was Tony . In both cases , James turned out to be right .
James also insisted that in his previous life , he had flown off a ship named the Natoma , which , as the Leiningers discovered , was a WW11 aircraft carrier ( USS Natoma Bay ). James said that his previous name was also James , and shockingly , in the USS Natoma Bay squadron , there was a pilot names James Huston who had been killed in action over the Pacific ocean .
Dr . Tucker obtained additional documents for several of James Leininger ? s statements , and they were made before anyone in the family had even heard of James Huston or the USS Natoma Baby .
Ask yourself , how could a two-year-old in Louisiana remember being a World War II pilot shot down over the Pacific ?
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