The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine January, 2018 | Page 10

truly grateful that, after being on the verge of divorce from my husband, I enjoy pure happiness with my family. I live in a state of total peace and ease, and there is so much laughter in our family. I no longer need to depend on something or someone in order to attain happiness? I just need to enjoy the process of knowing my true self. I am filled with gratitude and joy that I was able to learn the way to attain true happiness in life.? In our testimonials, you will also discover people who have finally broken the chain of mental or physical illness inherited from their ancestors through generations; who have created successful enterprises by reviving businesses that were about to go bankrupt; who were able to end excruciating emotional suffering and completely reset their lives; who have been able to find true partners or resurrect dead marriages after healing their inner maleness and femaleness; who completely transformed their lives even after hitting rock bottom and attempting suicide; who in an instant eliminated illnesses that had caused pain so excruciating that they wanted to die; whose family members and others around them experienced miracles as well, even though they themselves did not practice Miross. These phenomena occur at the instant you understand the Miross system. They spread beyond time and space, influencing people regardless of distance. Some people who have practiced Miross say that what they see is so totally different it seems as if they are in another world or a completely new planet. Miracles experienced through Miross are indeed amazing. And they are made possible simply by achieving inner balance? there is no need to pray, perform special rituals or change anything or anyone in your external environment. The essence of Miross is to discover yourself, to experience true love and to liberate yourself in the true sense of the word. A new civilization of humanity will emerge with the absolute peace that we have long pursued, as each and every one of us experience miracles. Rossco is t h e f ou n der an d Pr esiden t of t h e M ir oss In st it u t e an d t h e Cr eat or of M ir oss, a r evolu t ion ar y n ew t h ou gh t syst em developed t h r ou gh 30 year s of r esear ch . Toget h er w it h h is w if e, M idor i, h e is dedicat ed t o in t r odu cin g M ir oss t o t h e w or ld as t h e u lt im at e m easu r e of con sciou s evolu t ion w it h t h e capacit y t o elim in at e all pr oblem s an d cr eat e a societ y of absolu t e peace. Rosso an d h is w if e live in Kobe, Japan . For f u r t h er in f or m at ion , please visit h t t p:/ / r Ph ot o Cr edit : Hidemi Ogat a Page 9 Jan ., 2018