Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 8

Br i d g e Ov er Tu r b u l en t W a t er s Th e So u l Li f e A g r eem en t o f Py t h a g o r a s By Sa r a Ba c h m ei er Does pain have to be the Touchstone to Spiritual Growth? In Egyptian Numerology, the answer to this question is yes for the fortunate few who carry the number frequencies of Master Numbers and the numbers six and nine. Individuals holding these numbers in their birth chart have quite a different sojourn than the rest of us. Their path is often called that of a ?Wounded Healer? and many will experience the journey of the ?Dark Night of the Soul? at least once in their lifetime. In fact, in Egyptian Numerology there are specific past life insights to all the numbers but these in particular came here to lift the consciousness of mankind through their unique Soul Life Agreements. Egyptian Numerology lives under the premise that we all made a contract before birth to come into this lifetime to achieve specific goals and walk a certain path and this information can be decoded through the number frequencies given in our birth date and name. Under this theory, we chose these specific numbers to be born through and all the karmic hardships in our lifetime so we could overcome these difficulties and help heal the world in designated areas. All Master Numbers are endowed with many powers from within, significant strengths, and many more challenges than other numbers. People with these numbers normally realize early in life that they have the capacity to accomplish a great deal with relatively little effort. They contain superpowers hidden within the frequencies of their birth charts, specifically their Soul Life Path numbers. They are here to obtain personal power and spiritual evolution but most of all to be healers for the wounded through their own personal transformation. They will undergo the difficulties and challenges that only a true spiritual warrior and devotional disciple of higher wisdom could ever dream of combating in one lifetime. People who carry the frequency of Master Numbers will experience exceptionally painful, turbulent childhoods and have to use these experiences to make the world a better place because of it and not in spite of it. If anything, the path of a master number is more karmic than others because they often have to transcend more difficulties than other numbers in order to excel in the first place. As many of them are original thinkers, they end up working alone or find themselves in a position to defend ideas against a Page 8 - Nov., 2018 8