Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 18

a positive state of mind. What you think of is what you attract. If I was in a negative state of mind, I would attract everything that I didn?t want, because those would be my dominant thoughts. - I had to be aware. The bigger picture is my goal and where I want to get to. Along the way are just the daily routines and obstacles that I could not afford to let derail or impede me. I had to keep my eye on the prize. - I had to be objective. I had to work very hard to learn to be objective when reflecting on my experiences. It can be very difficult to step outside yourself and look at a situation objectively when you are emotionally connected. - I had to be present. You can miss very important moments of your life if you spend too much time in either the past or the future. While it is important to reflect and learn or plan ahead and dream it is also important to appreciate and nurture the seeds of intention you have planted. My daughter, Felicity Hallmark, age 16. Have you ever had the notion that there is something you should be doing, somewhere else you should be, some destiny or prophecy that you should be fulfilling or something bigger than you that is significant in a way you aren?t yet aware of? I think that is your intuition gently guiding your soul to strive and seek the greater purpose you are meant for. It?s hard to know what you want out of life or what you?re looking for when you haven?t fully figured out who you are. It took me 10 years before I even started identifying that my own awareness needed an upgrade but my rise to recognize how everything changes and happens for a reason has been all the confirmation I have needed. Be mindful! Stay aware and tuned in to what?s going on around you, pay attention to your path, the signs and those in your life. We are all here to bring meaning to each other?s lives, teach, learn, and grow. ` I believe we have all embarked on these seemingly separate journeys to develop a deeper connection to our souls, then to each other and the universe. When you come across that aha moment of making a connection it is an amazing epiphany that you will finally realize could not have been stumbled upon any other way than spiritually. I think it?s really important to always remember that not one of your challenges is meant to break or define you. Each is meant to help you grow. When you embrace that understanding, the storms won?t seem as rough because you?ll have faith that new wisdom and growth are just around the corner. Anyone in search of a better life can entirely change everything around. You can walk in a new direction that inspires and cultivates a positive attitude, behavior, and lifestyle, it starts with your your thoughts. When you are in alignment with the universe as it is moving, changing, adapting and creating your possibilities become endless. It?s the law of attraction! Page 18 - Nov., 2018 Sh elley L. Hallm ar k 1