Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 17

Writing turned out to be the piece I wasn?t aware I was missing and the answer I didn?t expect to find. What has always been said about finding your passion leading you to finding your purpose is true and for me it took an emotional rock bottom to discover it. I was doing what I thought everyone was doing, keeping your head down and hustling, believing that eventually you will get to where you are supposed to be only I wasn?t there. I wanted to manifest a way of life that felt more authentic, one that nurtured, evolved and inspired me to reach as high as I desired to go and the law of attraction did not disappoint! As far back as I can remember the law of attraction has always been my way of life. I could easily envision where I wanted and saw myself going and things just always seemed to magically work out. Not every time though and in reflection I?ve realized that when things didn?t turn out it wasn?t because there was a breakdown or failure somewhere it was because I wasn?t 100% committed, I left room for the outcome to change. I have had my share of experiences which have taken me from one end of the spectrum to the other, one thing I can always be grateful for is that in the realm of all these experiences things could have always been worse. Perspective is everything! My first book ?Finding the Balance? was published in 2011 and while I was proud of the accomplishment, it left me wanting more. When it was released I felt emotionally vulnerable but nourished, inspired and hopeful to walk down a new path that allowed me to connect with like-minded souls. I started blogging about a variety of life?s topics that I wanted to explore, ones that I had experienced, observed or heard. It?s amazing how much you can learn about yourself and life when you step out of your comfort zone and mindset. This writing journey has revealed a much bigger world to me and leaves me continually thirsting for more knowledge and connection to the bigger picture, there truly is so much more than we see. This year I published the collection of those six years which turned out to be my writing school, refinement and evolvement and titled it ?Once Upon a Blog?. My awareness has expanded in so many ways and while I have been utilizing the law of attraction in my life I hadn?t fully opened it up until realizing these blocks: - I had to be open. If my mind and heart were not open, I would not be in an available space of mind to receive the signs and guidance I was given. Not everything comes in the package we expect. Sometimes we have to expand our awareness to understand. - I had to be in alignment. To be in alignment with the universe and all that it has to offer, I had to be in Page 17 Nov., 2018 1