The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2017 | Page 42

D o You Real ly U n d er stan d th e M ean i n g? B y M ar t i n N ei l C am p b el l Moving into Oneness Consciousness by Martin Neil Campbell When people contemplate oneness consciousness, most think of humanity. This might shift your horizons, but there is more conscious life on Earth and elsewhere than we can imagine. Some of the familiar ones people identify are Dolphins, Whales, angels, personal guides, other higher dimensional beings and of course God. All of these beings I would agree are conscious and sentient. Nevertheless, there are lesser-known sentient beings, including trees, wind, fire and stone. We reside in a universe full of beings that are conscious. When we consider unity consciousness, it becomes essential we have it working appropriately first for humanity, as I believe this will free us up to the vaster universe of consciousness. Part of our expansion into the second density - the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions - will incorporate a greater awareness of unity consciousness. One of the remarkable transformations that will impact us as we advance is a greater understanding of humanity and anybody we meet. The shift to a vaster unity consciousness produces a higher awareness of individuality, our unity and recognition of what drives us forward (or backwards). The hindrances that hold us back from expansion will become increasingly clear as we expand. Nevertheless, I believe this stage will be challenging for those who adopt these new understandings to take advantage of others. Using our new understandings in an unloving way will obstruct further personal development. Page 42- Dec., 2017