The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August Issue 2017 | Page 48

Chihuahua Mom Amy from Lakeland , FL , asked : Hi Julie ,
I love listening to your podcast and wanted to ask you about my beautiful Chihuahua pup Lola . Last year I lost my beloved Chihuahua named Tink . I had her 9 wonderful years and I felt so sad when she passed . About a month later I got Lola ( another Chihuahua ) to mend my heart . I felt like this beautiful spirit picked me and she has definitely helped me heal .
Twelve Phases Of Transition Kelly from Saline , MI , asked : Hi Julie ,
My husband told me about your services . A question came up while listening to your show and hearing about your new book Angelic Attendants .
I was wondering how the 12 phases of death are different if at all , for someone who is rapidly killed like in a murder or a car accident versus the slower transitions you spoke of on the recent show ?
Hi Kelly , Great question !
Everyone goes through the Twelve Phases of Transition regardless of how they die .
In the case of what we would normally consider an instant or quick death like a homicide , suicide or accident , the dying person goes through all twelve phases in an instant .
Likewise , when someone experiences a slower transition over days , weeks or months , the twelve phases will happen over a prolonged period of time .
Keep in mind , how we experience time in human form , what ? s known as linear time , isn ? t the same as what ? s experienced in the non-physical realm . For example , 100 years in our reality may be the equivalent of a second in Heaven .
The most important thing to remember is , no matter how anyone dies , every one of us is surrounded by deceased loved ones , deceased pets , and angels . And those angels escort us to Heaven . It ? s always a glorious experience for the person transitioning back into non-physical .
Thanks for your question and thank you to your husband for telling you about me .
My Lola is the sweetest Chihuahua ever . She reminds me so much of Tink . I have been thinking about breeding her . Depending on their size , Chihuahuas can be hard to breed . I know people say you should adopt , but she has been mothering this little stuffed animal and she is just too cute with it . I found a breeder who has a stud that would be a perfect size for her . But I definitely do not want to hurt or jeopardize my baby . I like the idea of breading her only for her to get to keep one of her babies as a companion for both of us and my children would get to help raise some pups . I have wanted 2 Chihuahuas for so long and wish I would have gotten another when Tink was alive . I have tried to ask if it ? s in Lola ? s best interest to breed her or if I should just get her a companion instead . Can you help ? I would love her to have a baby and then have her spayed . Please scan her and tell me what you get as far as breeding her or her wanting a companion ? I just don ? t want anything to happen to her . Thanks !
Hi Amy ,
I love that you enjoy listening to my show . Thanks for your kind comments .
Regarding Lola becoming a mother , I first connected to you and then from you to her . You ? re right , she is really cute .
Based on what she told me , I believe she will be just fine if you breed her with the daddy dog you ? ve chosen . And , I believe she ? ll also do just fine delivering her litter and love for you to keep one if you decide to .
Furthermore , I also get it ? ll be a great experience for you and your kids as well .
So , my advice is to ? go for it ?!
And one more thing , Tink ? s spirit is always around you and will be for the rest of your life . If you pay close attention and stay open to it , you may occasionally hear her or feel her presence . When that happens , Tink ? s just letting you know she ? s around .
Thanks for your question .
Page 48 - August , 2017