The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August Issue 2017 | Page 38

NDW : That ' s the important message of the book , and there are many important messages . The second important message is : Not only is this the best time for our advancement , but ... we are not alone in this . We are being assisted by entities from another dimension . That is , entities from what we would call " off " this planet . Some people call them aliens from outer space . Call them what you want . They ' re not really aliens in the sense of Martians walking among us . But there are other sentient beings who exist inter-dimensionally who have been assisting us , and all sentient physical beings in the cosmos , in the evolutionary process .
They want us to know that we ' re really not alone if we will simply listen to the inspirations that we ' re receiving in many forms . These ideas are being sent to us by way of books , movies , television programs , Internet postings , on-line videos --- all manner of things . A great example are the brief films now found on the Internet based on Andy Weir ? s remarkable short story , The Egg . ( https :/ / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = D1VN5zICGeU ).
Jewels : Right . You know I ' ve noticed a lot of the movies are like the " Hunger Games " that really depict what ' s going on right now . There ' s other movies like The Matrix and their red and the blue pill message . It ' s really fascinating that it ' s all coming together . We ' re getting all these signs and messages strictly about waking up .
NDW : Yes . And the only question is whether we ' re going to pay attention to those messages or continue to ignore them . One of the sad aspects of the human experience is that we tend to look directly in the face of every evidence we could possibly ask to see , that we ask to be placed before us , and nevertheless , having been confronted and presented with all that evidence , we do exactly the opposite . And that ' s something that we ' re going to have to either turn around or find ourselves facing in a very unpleasant way .
As an example , we know what doesn ' t work if we want to create children to be free of violence and rage . If we place them in front of vivid depictions of violence and rage during their most impressionable years , obviously it doesn ' t work . And yet we do it consistently . We put them in front of television programs or actually take them to movies with tons of violence . Then we let them play video games that are all about violence killing and war and even give them toys to go out in the backyard and play with --- plastic machine guns that sound every bit like the real thing . And then we wonder why , when they ' re 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 18 and 20 , that so many of them behave the way they ' re behaving --- with such violence . We say , " Gosh , where could they have gotten such an idea ?? And that ' s just one example . There are tons of examples .
We know that we ' re poisoning our own bodies with carcinogens in stuff that we inhale , or nerve deadening liquids that we drink by the gallon . We know that this doesn ' t work . This has been demonstrated across many , many , years . But we do it anyway .
We know that if what we want is a world that ' s a peaceful world , a world filled with joy and love , violence does not work . We know this , because it ' s already been demonstrated , but we continue to do it anyway . We are really living out Albert Einstein ' s pointed observation that doing the same thing over and over again , expecting to get a different result , is the classic definition of insanity .
Jewels : I can see clearly what you are saying . May we go back to your higher evolved beings or HEB ' s that you talk about in your book . You mention that they are in a different dimension . Can you explain ? dimension ? to us ?
NDW : The book is talking about a different level of expression . Life expresses itself in the physical dimension and in the metaphysical dimension . We actually move back and forth , by the way , between those dimensions .
For instance , we do the thing called Dream . Dreaming is simply a movement of the soul from one dimension to another . We move between dimensions through the process that we call Life and Death as well . On Earth , we call the physical dimension ? life ? and the metaphysical , or if you please , the spiritual dimension , ? death ?, or the so-called ? afterlife ?... meaning the after death experience . But it ' s really all the same thing . It ? s all
Page 38 - August , 2017