The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August Issue 2017 | Page 27

It was the first time in my life that I really heard or understood that our

thoughts created our reality ; that what we experience as human beings is attracted to us electro-magnetically via our thought , or the holographic pictures we allow into our consciousness . Also , that you could change / create your waking reality by imagining something different it you didn ? t like what existed . That is quite a hypothesis !
It sounded like the scientific basis for the physics of magic . I had been a bit weary about the subject of magic since New Orleans , but I knew now about the three hues of practice :
Black magic uses the force of will upon another person / s or one ? s environment to achieve the desires of the ego ; employing the manipulation of astral ( 4th dimensional ) entities or elemental intelligence to manifest specific ends ( usually always destructive ). This magic always creates negative karma ( reciprocal effect ), though I ? m sure conscious practitioners would beg to differ . These practitioners are attempting to bend creation , Source , and reality to their will so they can have their way . How adorable ! Good luck with that one !!!
Interesting side note : Both the Buddha and Don Miguel Ruiz ( and quite a few other enlightened folks ) included gossip as a major and insidious form of black magic . Just something to ponder : How many negative things did you speak about today , either about persons , situations , conditions , or even about yourself ? Whoopsie . Nailed .
Anyway , you can negate someone ? s negative intentions or thoughts toward you if you focus on embodying Love , but we ? ll get to warding-off evil a little later . Evil ? s just another way of saying negativity , but a little more sinister sounding , so we ? ll go with negativity .
Grey magic is just how you might imagine it . The purpose could be well intentioned , but destructive in effect . Or the intention could be selfish , but relatively harmless in effect . You see ? Even the description is muddled , but there are elements of both Light and dark . Soul and ego . So the results can be fantastic , but short-lived or unstable . Only the Soul ? s creative will has permanence as Love permeates the thought .
Jesus revealed this great alchemical key when He stated : As a man thinketh in his heart ; so shall it be . Not thinketh in his brain ; IN HIS HEART !!! So shall it be ! ( I should mention that it ? s possible that the gender specificity may be due to women already thinking with their hearts ; Jesus spoke to the men ? cause we need the most help ).
The brain , when divorced from the heart , receives grey or dark ( negative ) thoughts and only accesses 10 % of it potential . Jesus described the creative fulcrum as being at the heart ! Dr . Joseph Chilton Pearce , in his mind-blowing book The Biology of Transcendence describes how the heart ( which are the first cells developed in the human embryo ) and the brain grow as a singular unit until the neck is formed . That 60-65 % of the cells constituting the heart are neural cells more akin to brain cells . His work intimates that the neural cells that connect from our prefrontal cortex into our heart are the biological hook-ups to Christ / Buddha-consciousness , and that those connections existed in us until about the age of 1 to 2 years when we begin to develop an ego and are culturally domesticated . That these neurological pathways could be re-established by mental intent ! An awesome hypothesis to be joyfully tested , don ? t you feel ?
White magic is allowing and selecting thoughts inspired by your Soul and Love . They are often self-less , always positive and harmless in application and effect . It ? s allowing the Universe , Who may know a little more and what ? s actually best for everything concerned , to be the editor and inspiration for what ? s created . Freakin ? smart , right ? Most people would let a professional investor handle their portfolio of assets , but believe they know what ? s best from their own myopic view of reality . ยก Por favor !
As Lord Krishna has created us , and the entirety of the holographic Multi-verse , it might be prudent to let him drive the chariot , and stop side-seat drivin ?! We ? re the only thing that can
Page 27 - August , 2017