The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August Issue 2017 | Page 17

accept . We just must remember that we are spiritual beings , pure energy , pure love from the Creator of all . Energy can ? t be destroyed , only transformed . The spirit / soul lives on to move into higher dimensions of consciousness and to again incarnate in some form to continue the journey of life and understanding to its connection to God . God expresses life through us . We are God particles . We are all One .
Now , realistically would I expect anyone , including myself , to share this description of self when simply asked by another , ? who are you ?? No . At least not at this point in our evolution . However , I would hope that with a little time more and more of us would know and understand that that ? s what we really are . We are powerful co-creators of our own ? story ? here . We are pure love energy living in a field of dreams to carve out a beautiful existence as an expression of the God force that created the whole kit and caboodle ! If you can , let that be your torch that can reveal you and give you light in bad times . Then you must shine it on anyone who may need it . Awaken to the moreness of YOU !
Speaker & Life Coach Ronald Rozzi , Ms . D ., RHy ., holds a Doctorate in Metaphysics and is certified in both hypnotherapy and as a past-life regression hypnotist . He is also a practitioner of Emotional Freedom Therapy , ( EFT ). He specializes in past-life regression and anxiety disorder as well as behavioral modification . He is currently shifting gears from private practice . He recently started Awareness Self-Empowerment Seminars to offer talks , seminars and workshops relative to his new book Genesis 101 , The Metaphysical Cosmology in the Process of Creation .
He is passionate to be a part of helping the masses to awaken to their full potential and understand their power to manifest change in their lives by understanding who they really are and grasping an understanding of Universal law , which he feels is necessary to undertand how the process of co-creation works .
He lives with his wife in Scottsville , NY , and can be contacted via e-mail at rrmetadoc @ gmail . com His professional website is ; www . ronaldrozziauthor . com . You can purchase his book on Amazon .
Page 17 - August , 2017