The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August Issue 2017 | Page 15

he pick it up ? I don ? t know . Would you have ? Could you have ? Think about that as you put yourself in his place .
Now that I have your attention , allow me to expand on this concept of the torch . It really has a broader perspective here . You and the very life you find yourself in can now take on a whole new meaning with a little tweaking of perspective and a dash of truth . Whose truth you say ? Your own , of course .
Just to be clear , truth is another term for belief . Your beliefs are always amenable to change when you ? re ready . From where I ? m sitting , some part of you must be ready . After all , you are reading an article in Law of Attraction Magazine , aren ? t you ? I ? m thinking you are seeking something to embellish your life . Bring a light into a dark room and there ? s no telling what you ? ll find . Rediscovering yourself can be fun . It ? s about getting to know who you really are through the power and ability you possess .
All of us have had , and will probably continue to have days , situations or circumstances like what my friend may have had . That ? s just life being life . The trouble is that without a torch to light up or reveal who we really are , that darkness can easily find a home within us and is thus becomes part of our story .
Listen , let me make this perfectly clear . We are not our story ! You are so much more and its high time that you allow yourself to awaken from your conscious dream state and entertain at least the ? what if ? mentality .
It is not my intention to change your truth or belief system . Only you can do that . My job is just to drop seeds . Some seeds will land on fertile soil , some on concrete . I have no control over that . Those that land on fertile soil , will resonate with a part of you that knows it ? s truth , but you didn ? t know you knew . You are remembering who you really are . It ? s a gentle stimulation that feels good . It is my belief that these times are bringing many souls to a point of serious identification with a quest to know more . There is a hunger within for a nourishment that we can ? t quite put our finger on . Life has a banquet of options to feed you with . Don ? t fight it . Let yourself taste it . If you don ? t like it , don ? t buy it .
So , who are you really ? Most would answer that unconsciously without a second ? s delay . I ? m ( your name ), and pretty much stop there until the next question . Then you will add to the description or identification of who you know yourself to be . This would be considered proper in today ? s social
Page 15 - August , 2017