Laurels Literary Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 41

Final Announcement Janna Tierney INT. STERILE HALLWAY - TIME UNKNOWN Faint, high-pitched hum of fluorescent bulbs overhead. MAN 1 and MAN 2, sit on a tubular steel bench against the wall, under harsh light. They both wear identical, cement-colored jumpsuits and light gray work boots. Their clothes are visibly new and without blemish, and hide the muscularity of both men. Man 1 is a big man. He stares absently at his empty palms, which are resting in his lap. Man 2 crosses his legs, uncrosses them, rests his chin in his hand, twists in his seat, and glances down the hall in anxious anticipation. He is visibly avoiding looking at Man 1. Overhead, a clean white drop ceiling is interrupted only by periodic fluorescent installments. On the floor, perfectly square, white linoleum tiles fit perfectly in the perfectly square hallway. The walls are very light grey, almost white, completely unadorned with no doors, windows, vents, or other visible portals. The hallway continues about fifty feet in each direction from the bench, until the fluorescent light fades into blackness. A MONOTONE VOICE is heard on an unseen P.A. The words echo hollowly down the hall. VOICE (O.S.) Now admitting number 3791. Now admitting number 3791.This is the final announcement. Man 1 continues to stare blankly at his fingers. 29