Laurels Literary Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 107

Five Minutes in the Life of Billy Pilgrim Sarah Ontiveros FADE IN: EXT. MID-AFTERNOON. DRESDEN, GERMANY. DURING WWII. Prisoners are being held in an abandoned slaughterhouse. Several bombings have taken place and the once beautiful city lies in ruins. Rubble, people’s belongings, and dead bodies cover the streets. The prisoners are ordered to shovel up rubble and clear the street of debris and bodies. BILLY, LAZZO, and KILGORE, three POWs, are sitting on the ground outside of the slaughterhouse. Their faces and clothes covered in dirt and soot. A young SS GUARD in a neat uniform is patrolling with a large rifle in his hands. GUARD ONE Funf minuten!! LAZZO Been shoveling and carrying bodies all morning and all we get is five lousy minutes. KILGORE turns to LAZZO. KILGORE What time do you think it is, LAZZO? LAZZO Judging by how long we’ve been out there shoveling, and where the sun is, I’d say about noon, maybe. KILGORE (puzzled) Where the sun is? How can you tell by that? LAZZO By how big it looks, or how bright...or something like that. 95