Laurels Literary Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 65

Mine Ivana Komazin driven an hour and a half just to come hang out with me; I was last minute, ruining the plans we had for the night. She insisted, no’ to her. I quickly forgot the guilt when the sound of thunder caught my attention, and the rain started to fall. Not only had she made it here weeks now. M she cradled in her lap. log out of my game and go back to it later so that you can work on look so comfortable.” “Just being in the same room with me should have made you lose focus,” I murmured, turning back to my online game. After about a half hour, the tapping of her nails stopped right at the peak of my battle. “Babe?” “Yeah?” “Do you believe in reincarnation?” “I guess it is,” she said, then she went back to tapping [54]