LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 2019 Summer Edition | Page 43

Esperanza Road A wakening to G od ’ s P ower By Brother Victor Padilla There is a reality that is hidden within us when we are born, the reality of who we indeed are. It's something that has been hidden away from us through the religious aspects of this world and those in spiritual authority. We were born chil- dren of the highest God and creator who spoke the word of life from his breath into all creation, his Power moved from his words and set into motion the supernatural which dwells hidden and asleep inside of you. When Moses was born, his destiny was written, yet he was born into an identity where God allowed him to be hidden within plain sight of great evil which meant to kill him. Mo- ses eventually came to the divine revelation of who he truly was, and he was awakened in the knowledge of his God-given Power. Moses wielded God's Power in Egypt and when ap- proaching the Red Sea, raised the Staff that God gave him, commanding the waters to part and obey the Power of God that brought the Exodus of the Hebrews out of Slavery. When David stood before a Giant who was over nine feet tall named Goliath of Gad, who placed fear into the very heart of Israel's army. David understood and knew who he was, know- ing the Supernatural Power of God. David stood against Goli- ath and in the Power of God when he picked up the stone that slew the enemy of God and Israel. Dark forces have an agenda to keep us from knowing who we are because they know that once we receive a divine revelation of who we are, all the lies, deception, and hidden truth will come to light. When we understand who we are, then we are awakened to the Power of God in us as his children. You must realize that it is up to you to discover who you indeed are and break free from who you think you are and change your mindset and take on the mindset of God. It is only then when you have the L atin T imes M agazine mentality as a child of God that we will know his Power with- in us, the Power to fight the enemy, the Power of knowledge, Healing, Miracles, and the supernatural. In your steps to dis- covering who you are, you must have Faith, which is the most vital ingredient of Power, and without it, there is no power. It is through Faith that you activate the Power of the highest and see the impossible become possible. When the Son of God, Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) walked this earth, he walked in the full knowledge of God's Power twenty-four hours a day, and it is through him that we have access to understanding who we are. Yeshua (Jesus) is the first step to understanding who you are, why? Because he told the disciples, "You will do these things and greater…" Yeshua is the Son of God himself made a statement that when we walk in the fullness of understanding who we are, it is then that we become activated in the supernatural. The most im- portant of all the steps to understanding who you are is a rela- tionship with God, Yeshua (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit; without it, you will never know who you are nor walk in the Power of God. In these times we live in, God is going to bring a great awak- ening to those who are willing and have a humble heart, those who are searching for the truth about who they are. You were born with a purpose and now is the time for you to wake up to who you truly are, a child of God and stand in your God-given Power. www .L atin T imes M agazine . com A braza el calor de tu cultura ! 43