Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 6 MindBrained Bulletin Think Tank V4i6 Mindfulness | Page 9

A Harry Bliss cartoon A Buddhist monk is meditating. The thought balloon above his head is empty. Except for small letters in the corner saying, “Ice cream.” Click here or search for: harry bliss monk meditating ice cream People often think your mind becomes totally empty. It doesn’t. In meditation, you think about whatever you are supposed to think about (your breathing, a “mantra,” sometimes something else). And you will have other thoughts. When you do, just go back to your focus. You are not “doing it wrong.” You are doing it right. Actually, this happens to everyone all the time. Sometimes it is called the “monkey mind” – your thoughts jumping around as if from tree to tree. But the difference is that now, you notice it. And that’s the start of mindfulness. Just in case you are now interested, the Davidson/Goleman video (the one I like and Curtis didn’t…at first*) that asks, “Does Mindfulness Really Work?” is at Goleman, D., & Davidson, R. (2017). Altered traits: Science reveals how meditation changes your mind, brain and body. New York: Avery. Harris, D. (2014). 10% happier. London: Yellow Kite. Saltzman, A. Mindfulness: A guide for teachers. Retrieved from: *Editor’s comment: Now I do! I’ve watched it multiple times. Marc Helgesen, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University, Sendai is the author of over 180 ELT books, textbooks and articles including Pearson’s English Firsthand series. He’s been an invited speaker at conferences on 5 continents. He teaches “Positive Psychology in ELT” in Nagoya University of Foreign Studies MA TESOL Program. When you deal with something like compassion for physical pain, which we know is very, very old in evolution - we can find evidence for it in nonhuman species - the brain processes it at a faster speed. Compassion for mental pain took many seconds longer. - Antonio Damasio