Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 6 MindBrained Bulletin Think Tank V4i6 Mindfulness | Page 23

us seven ways, in Part III, that that we can find “Reconnection: Or a Different Kind of Antidepressant”: these include reconnecting with other people, social prescribing (e.g. joining singing, volunteer, or running groups), meaningful work, meaningful values, sympathetic joy for/with others (while overcoming addiction to the self), acknowledging childhood trauma, and restoring the future (making sure people have something to look forward to). Throughout the book, Hari explains the hard science of these phenomena as well as the humanistic narratives that go along with them; something that would add a lot to the Life Determinants book above to make it more appealing to the general public and politicians (hopefully in their 2 nd edition). Of course Hari could not have done such a good job writing his book without the rigorous research that was done in books like Life Determinants. Being adaptable humans we need to call forth our own stories for the moment to support these scientific explanations which will guide us to better lives. Tim Murphey (PhD Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland) TESOL’s Professional Development in Language Education series editor, co-author with Zoltan Dörnyei of Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom (CUP), author of Music and Song (OUP), Language Hungry! (Helbling), The Tale that Wags (Perceptia,), Teaching in Pursuit of Wow! (Abax), and co-editor with Jane Arnold of Meaningful Action (CUP), researches Vygotskian socio-cultural theory (SCT), sociobiology, and positive psychology while soft assembling community, play, and music at Kanda University of International Studies in Japan.