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Tokat,Turkey TOKAT A Living Historic City You must go to Tokat because the climate and people of Tokat are moderate. Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi T okat is a city which islocated in the Black Sea Region of Turkey.It was founded on the fertile soil of the Yeşilırmak bassin.It is one of the most important Anatolian cities with its old history.In history it was home to different civilizations such as Hittite, Phrygian, Roman, Byzantine, Danişmendli, Ilhanlı, Seljuk and Ottoman Periods.You can find historic and cultural Works and artfacts from those civilizations Gök Madrasa If you visit Tokat one day there will be many destinations to see such as Tokat Castle Maşathöyük Ancient Settlement,Hıdırlık Bridge,Gök Madarasa,Taşhan,Ali Pasha 60 Mahperi Hatun Caravansary Mosque,Graripler Mosque,Mevlevi House,Clock Tower,Latifoğlu Mansion,Mahperi Hatun Caravansary,Niksar Castle the and cient city of Sebastapolis,