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HISTORIANS AND PLAYWRIGHTS SOCRATES SOPHOCLES HERETODUS T he plawrights Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides flourished in Athens during this time, as did the historians Herodotus and Thucydides, the physician Hippocrates, and the philoso- pher Socrates. Guided by Pericles, who promoted the arts and fostered democracy, Athens em- barked on an ambitious building program that saw the construction of the Acropolis of Athens (including the Parthenon), as well as empire-building via the Delian League. HEREDOTUS AND GOVERNMENT 51  Herodotus was a Greek historian who was born in Halicarnassus in the Persian Em- pire and lived in the fifth century BC.  He is often referred to as "The Father of History", a title first conferred by Cicero, he was the first historian known to have broken from the Homeric.  Herodotus identifies two main forms of government: a democracy such as Athens, and a monarchy/tyranny throughout the Histories, sometimes in a positive light, other times in a negative light.  For Herodotus, it was not the Athenian constitution or democratic values that made freedom, but the absence of tyranny and inequality.  For Herodotus, equality was the most important characteristic of democracy and the foundation for good government.  In a democracy, all men are equal and there is no single ruler who is above the popu- lation.