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Source: War of Zela In 49 BC, civil war broke out between Julius “VENI-VIDI-VICI” (I came,I saw,I conqured) Caesar and Pompey. Caeasar came to today‟s which is used as a slogan for thousands of Zile from Epypt and won the battle.Upon this he years.This war was one of the biggest one in sent the shortest letter to Rome by a Anatolia which took place in our city and Caesar Messenger.In his leteter he wrote said his famous words here. Zile Castle It is located just in the centre of the city and made half-filled castle.According to the historical sources,it was built by Semiramis,the queen of Nineveh.A water cistern with 182 starirs is available inside the castle.It was just opened by the rain waters in 1985.In Zile castle,there is also a Roman amphitheatre in the rocky place.It is the last amphitheatre in Northhern Anatolia.Todays the castle accepts its visitors as a national historical park for picnic.If you come by Zi- le some day,you can visit Zile Castle and watch the whole city by birds eye view on the top of it. 46