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PEOPLE ARE DEEPER THAN LABLES By Turkish Team Zile Fen Lisesi Violets are purple roses are red stop isolating people just learn respect them Why isolate people,love them Or recpect them. It is wrong to hate people because of their color. No matter which color you hate, it is unfair" people can not be excluded because of their rank and differences, People cannot be classified by considering skin color race language and religion Because a person has no superority to another person People are diffrent from each other and cannot be excluded for fifferences. The difference for a happy and conscious society is wealth for you “Imagine two notebooks! One is beautifully bound; The other has stains on it. Which one do people choose? The bound one! Yes,nobody reads the book of which cover they don‟t like This may be a bir mistake; Don‟t judge a book by its cover; Get it?” What is black and white? Tell me friend!! 36