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II.WORLD WAR Natalia Szuba Zespół Szkół nr 1 im. Kazimierza Wielkiego I was also there I was 8 years old when my mother and I moved to another country. We lived well until 1939. The war came ... I played together with other children in the yard. My mother looked after us. At one point, we heard cars approaching. The men in uniform came out with rifles in their hands. I saw them shoot my mother and friends. The only one I managed to hide behind a pile of stones. They did not notice me. They drove off. I cried. I ran to my mother and tried to wake her up. She did not react. I heard that shots are being fired somewhere. I escaped to the same place where I was just a moment ago. I sat there 32 a day, maybe two, until I was hungry. I ran for a long time and came to the village, which my mother once told me. I walked along the streets and saw terrible views. All dead people, animals. Bloodstains on buildings. I was very hungry. I was looking for food wherever it was possible. I found. I ate with tears in my eyes. That's how I survived the next 6 years. I met people who helped me. Some died for me. It did not matter what skin color we have or what sex we have. Everyone helped each other as much as he could. I met many honorable people then and I remember them with great pride.