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Interviewer Natalia Chromińska and Natalia Szuba INTERVIEW Interviewee Ms Anna Smater Nagraba, history and current affairs teacher Zespół Szkół nr 1 in Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland The Connection between Radicalisation and Terrorism 1 What is your opinion about radicalization and how is it different from terrorism? not radical. Radicalization is when they set the path and see no other concessions, only terrorism is the achievement of the goal. Ruthlessly radicalization is the cause of terrorism. Terrorism is a corollary of radicalization, while radicalization is an intensification of extreme phenomena nationalistic as well as culturally or religiously. Terrorism is a form of implementing 5. Are you afraid that you may be the target of a or imposing radicalism in the world. terrorist attack? 2. What do you think (radicalization or terrorism) is more visible in the world? Why? No. Although I am aware that using the computer will always be vulnerable to cyber- attacks. I think that in our country there are no Terrorism as a form and manifestation of such moods that I would be exposed to attack in radicalization is much more visible in the world. the sense of a bomb attack. Terrorism is not only what we see, e.g. bombing, using cars to attack people, that is, 6. Are you afraid of the dangers of famous situations from Berlin or Nice but also radicalization? cyber terrorism. There is relatively little talk of this yet, but these terrorist actions are definitely Yes, the same risks related with radicalization are more visible, because these are not just more visible than radicalization itself. attacks, it is not only terrorism. It is a negative 3 Can radicalization cause terrorism?Of course. perception of dependence, automatic exclusion of tolerance. It can be presented in any field, Terrorism is about radicalization, so it cannot including fighting, hair colour, and dressing. take another form. This can occur in Poland. If people want to compromise to cooperate, it is 22