Large-Car Choppers (e.v.) clone_Large-Car Choppers - MAI 2014 | Page 4


We are pleased to welcome you, to the verey first issue of Large-Car Choppers on-line magazine .

Our goal is to make you discover some truck shows, or, to look back at the good times that you had, at one of these events , putting the spotlight on some of the coolest Large-Cars of the show .

Large-Car Choppers on-line magazine, will includes a truck show coverage, two truck coverages and some columns, that, I hope, will entertain you, until the next truck show, where we'll have the oportunity to meet and fraternize .

I would like to dedicate the upcoming success of this magazine, to my father, Denis Bessette and my uncle, Claude ''Coco'' Bessette , two authentic truck enthousiasts, that have influenced, in their way, the trucking buisness .

Good reading to all !

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