Landscape Architecture Aotearoa - Winter 2016 Issue 01 | Page 42

40 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AOTEAROA PTISANA SALICINA: An at-risk; giant, lush fern ideal for deep, damp shade. Just as native shade-dwellers are highly adept at colonising the darkest reaches of our landscapes, so unfortunately are exotic invaders. Invasive species often penetrate deep into native forests and other hardto-reach spaces, resulting in massive challenges for those who work with the land. As always, it is best to treat all exotic plant species with some caution. When used responsibly however, exotics can bring immense interest and value to designed landscapes Helleborus foetidus hails from the mountain regions of Europe and produces massed heads of light green, cupped flowers in winter and early spring to perfect ly complement its dark green foliage; plant in drifts or allow to self-seed through shaded gardens areas. Ligularia reniformus is a lush perennial herb with large, glossy leaves on erect stems and bright yellow, daisy-like flowers which, despite its tropical looks, can be grown in most areas of NZ that are free from heavy frosts. Cyclamen hederifolium is a deciduous, tuberous perennial with rounded, mottled leaves and distinctive ‘nodding’ pink flowers which appear in Autumn; it is an excellent container plant for seasonal colour and for introducing an exotic woodland aesthetic to designed landscapes. These and many other shade-loving species remind us that despite being deprived of life-giving light, the darker corners of our landscapes need not be deprived of beauty.  NATIVE PLANTS FOR SHADE HEIGHT(M) WIDTH(M) GROWTH FORM NOTES Adiantum cunninghamii 0.3 1 Groundcover Rigorous, creeping fern; forms 'fields' of blue-green foliage; NZ-wide. Alseuosmia macrophylla 2 1 Shrub Open habit; strongly scented red-pink tubular flowers; requires moisture. Astelia trinervia 2 2 Flax-like Bold, light-green tussocks; largest of the Asteliads; Northern species; slow. Blechnum colensoi 0.4 1 Spreading fern Slow, creeping rhizome; deep-green, strappy foliage; coastal to montane. Brachyglottis sciadophila 4 2 Vine At risk; yellow flowers; southern species; grows over nearby structure. Elatostema rugosum 0.5 1 Groundcover Large purple-green leaves cascade through wet shade; lowland-montane Freycinetia banksii 3 1 Vine Lush, strap-like foliage on climbing stems; conspicuous, edible flowers & fruit. Jovellana sinclairii 0.5 0.6 Shrub At risk; soft, pale-green foliage; bell-shaped flowers; exotic woodland aesthetic. Lastreopsis velutina 0.5 0.5 Crown fern Endemic & NZ-wide; very soft foliage with rusty hairs; will handle deep shade. Macropiper spp. 2 2 Shrub Several mainland & offshore varieties; medicinal; excellent 'filler' in dry shade. Microlaena polynoda 1 1.5 Grass Dense, bamboo-like stems; scrambling/cascading habit; for northern gardens. Myrsine australis 5 2 Tree Reliable, elegant; mottled leaves & red stems; single specimen/clipped hedge. Olearia polita 3 2 Shrub Threatened; divaricating; red stems; dark, glossy leaves; damp sites NW Nelson. Ourisia macrophylla 0.2 0.3 Herb Foxglove; pure white flowers; lush green foliage; damp shade in cooler climates. Peperomia blanda 0.3 0.4 Herb Succculent perennial from Raoul Is; lush, broad foliage; excellent house plant. Ptisana salicina 3 3 Crown fern At risk; giant, lush fern for deep, damp shade; pots/gardens; traditional food. Rhabdothamnus solandri 2 2 Shrub Sprawling, open habit; yellow/orange striped flowers; pots/planters. Rhopalostylis sapida 5 3 Palm Unmistakable lush fronds; shade/shaded roots; use local form; fertilise & mulch. Aquilegia spp. 0.6 0.4 Herb Widely cultivated; spurred petals; hardy; many varieties; poisonous parts. Begonia grandis 0.8 0.8 Shrub Bold, heart-shaped foliage with red veins; pink flowers; companion for ferns. Brunnera macrophylla 0.4 1 Groundcover Dense mounds of heart-shaped leaves, pale markings; sprays of blue flowers. Convallaria majalis 0.3 0.2 Groundcover Rhizomatous; lush sword leaves; sweetly scented white blooms; poisonous. Cyclamen hederifolium 0.2 0.25 Clumping herb Tuberous, deciduous; woodland aesthetic; white/pink flowers; pots in shade. Helleborus foetidus 0.8 1 Clumping herb Handsome folige; masses of green, drooping flowers in winter; nectar for bees. Hosta spp. <0.5 <2 Clumping herb Many varieties available; prized foliage plant; focal point among finer species. Ligularia reniformus 1 1 Clumping herb Large, shiny, lush foliage on erect stems; single specimen among ferns; unique. Tiarella cordifolia 0.3 0.4 Groundcover Green-bronze, heart-shaped leaves; foamy, white flowers; combine with bulbs. Trillium grandiflorum 0.8 0.3 Herb Distinctive, 3-petal white flowers; ephemeral; from deciduous woodlands.  RESPONSIBLE EXOTICS: