Landscape Architecture Aotearoa - Winter 2016 Issue 01 | Page 21

WINTER 2016 19
“ When they did that , we could see it as an active space where people would congregate and that gave us confidence . It was the initial toe in the water ,” Leggett said .
“ We thought we should build on that and make something more permanent because it is the city centre , the heart of the city . What can we do to activate it and get more people down here ?” added Jane Black , Co-ordinator City Centre Revitalisation . “ It ’ s a lot warmer and lighter . Crime has gone down significantly , and the perception of safety in the area has gone up .”
The first phase of landscape development in the centrally located
Cobham Court is drawing positive comments both from members of the community and the police .
Isthmus landscape architects , Andre de Graaf and Daniel Males said they followed three design benchmarks : vibrancy – social as well as choice of colour and materials ; distinctiveness – Porirua is proud of its character and identity ; legiblity – easy for people to find their way around . They have consulted with community representatives and local iwi .
“ We ’ ve been working with Ngati Toa on the overall concept and how they may have a presence in the area through wayfinding ,
ABOVE LEFT : The first phase of landscape development in the centrally located Cobham Court is drawing positive comments .
THIS PAGE : Two established pohutukawa trees within the central area offer shade . Natural timber and new plantings bring softness . Accent colours run from deep red through bright oranges and yellows .