LandEscape Art Review | Page 195

Mihai Paul

LandE scape

CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW place , nurturing the feeling of belonging to someting bigger and grander than ourselves – including te suffering we put ourselves through . All these reflections overtake the soul in the mysterious darkness of the night , hence the name of it .
In the end both render the beauty the world we live in has , the question if its imaginary or real loosing sense .
You have once remarked in your artist ' s statement that you believe that everything that one creates has a deeper meaning strongly connected with our inner self : when we look at Primordial life and Serpent of light we are struck by the atmosphere suggested by the darkness that saturates the canvass . Is this a reflection of you ? Can you describe to me how this darkness that appears in your work connects to you personally ?
I do believe that , more strogly now than ever before . It is quite impossible to render or create something without it being personal and a reflection of what we feel and think in regards to the subject , because by our nature we are a subjective creature ; we have our system of beliefs , moral guidelines , fears , likes and dislikes that determine how we approach everything we do .
One of the favourite subjects that I treat and think about , is the darkness that lingers within me . Because I think that if I get to understand and acccept that darkness , it will lose any power it might have , enabling me to enjoy more fully everything that comes in life , good or bad – again , because there is no darkness , i . e . “ bad things ”, to fear anymore . “ Primordial life ” is the perfect image of where I was before I allowed love to enter my being , to be more precise to surface from within . It is actually the beggining of a project called “ A present of love ” in the lines of a story that is represented in pictures also ; like a comic book with paintings if you like . Here you can access the plot of the story , the painting finding its place easily in it . There are other titles that are part of the narative , namely “ A song of spells ”, “ Vivid dream ”, “ Together ”, “ From beyond ”, “ Inner light ” and some .
A representative quote for my fascination with darkness is that of Carl Jung in which he beautifully states that “ the sole purpose ofhuman existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being .” This , mixed with a trip to Iceland I had to view the Northern Lights , gave birth to “ Serpent of light ”, representing the journey man has in the form of his life , through the eternal darkness of existence .
When showing clear references to perceptual reality , your paintings convey a captivating abstract feeling that provide with dynamism the representative feature of your canvass , as Lost soul . The way you to capture non-sharpness with an universal kind of language quality marks out a considerable part of your production , that are in a certain sense representative of the relationship between emotion and memory . How would you define the relationship between abstraction and representation in your practice ? In particular , how does representation and a tendency towards abstraction find their balance in your work ?
Because of our subjective view , everything has a meaning to us , therefore nothing is just representative for and by itself . This is how so many arguments arrise among people : everybody has their own opinion about things and ideas . Even if it is the cause of so much misfortune in the world and our lives , it can also be the fountain of wonder and novelty , because everything is a mystery awaiting discovery . There is this wall of perceptions that arrises between the world and ourselves ; we turn to solitary confinement in our high tower , barelly letting light and wind come through . This idea I tried to express in “ Resolution ” – our