LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 34

Land scape
Marie Rioux
« Troisième rencontre avant la nuit » (" Third encounter before the night "), 20x60 , mixt on canvas , 2016
You have once remarked in your artist ' s statement that the places that you depict in your work are mostly your own : so we would take this occasion to ask you how do you consider the relationship between memory and experience in your process . In particular , do you thin that personal experience is an absolutely indispensable part of a creative process ... Could a creative process be disconnected from direct experience ?
I am convinced that no creator is disconnected from direct experience , even though we do not all have the same perception of a moment . I believe that education , culture and the places where we grew up leave the first traces of the person we will become later . In the end , my travels , the music I have listened to , the many art exhibitions I have attended , my irreplaceable and undying encounters , my loves and my sorrows shaped the artist I have become . I think that it is only possible to truly succeed in creating one ’ s own visual language when we are closest to our