LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 199

Stefanie Wolfson
Land scape
establishing a channel of communication between the conscious level and the subconscious sphere : artists are always interested in probing to see what is beneath the surface : maybe one of the roles of an artist could be to reveal unexpected sides of Nature , especially of our inner Nature ... what ' s your view about this ? In particular , do you think that your works could induce a process of self-reflection in the viewers ?
I do think that is an important role of the artist ; exposing what most don ’ t see and bringing that to light . Expressing human nature is something I believe all artists strive for , in art of any medium , whether it ’ s through a painting , print or a song . We are always trying to reveal more about the world and ourselves .
I certainly hope that my art is able to induce self-reflection , because , again , it relies so much on the viewer . Bringing viewers to a place where they are projecting memories and feelings onto my work is inherently selfreflective . However they relate to the work , my hope is that they take something away from their experience with it .
The effective combination between both intense and thoughtful nuances of tones that we can admire in Aurora Borealis