LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 209

Hyunji Lee
Land scape
the common experience at some level of cultural dislocation ; the experience of cultural displacement , living in another language , and being in the position of constantly having to translate myself for others as well as others for myself . To evoke this sense and allow the viewer to experience it , I use disrupted and distorted images that I remembered rather than describing or explaining it for them .
As you have remarked in your artist ' s statement , you strive to evoke the interaction between personal memories and the desire to link personal elements into a shared human experience . So we would take this occasion to ask you if in your opinion personal experience is an absolutely indispensable part of a creative process ... Do you think that a creative process could be disconnected from direct experience ? a new place , but by discovering the hybrid form as a principle of meaningful order within the apparently confusing and contradictory sense of an unfamiliar world . My cultural dislocation becomes evident as my way of seeing changes and I begin to look at surroundings as an interested participant rather than as a spectator .
We have a natural network based on
I focus on the distortion between actual experience and memory . Memory is abstracted experience ; Even in the hypothetical event that several people share the same experience , the mental imprint of that incident will vary among them , since they will unconsciously single out different elements of the experience to commit to memory . What I want to do is figure out how to get out of my own way sometimes , and