LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 192

Land scape
Rada Yakova
materials I needed , I realised , there was not enough money for colours . I got only black and white . That ’ s how I started . As I had the atelier of my dreams , it would ‘ ve been very stupid to have excuses not to work . And then , the year after , something terrible happened in my life and I just didn ’ t like the colours any more . Now , I don ’ t need them any more . I see them as a special effect , which I don ’ t need any more in order to express myself .
Your works communicate a successful attempt to transform tension to harmony : are your works painted gesturally , instinctively ? Or do you methodically transpose geometric schemes from paper to canvas ?
I have the idea , sometimes photos . I work close with professional dancers in Netherlands and in Bulgaria . I go to rehearsals . But at home , I start on the canvas directly , I never work with geometric schemes . I was never good in mathematics . Maybe pencil , graphite , pastel or something else . I try not to overwork a painting ; it has to breathe .