Land n Sand Sep / Oct 2013 | Page 62

Luckily if your website is built using a Content Management System like Wordpress or Joomla! there are free plugins or extensions that can be installed that will make your website multi-device friendly instantly. This may simplify your website and compromise your branding to a degree but at least people will be able to access the information they need without too much finger work or frustration. Better still, have your website redesigned us a responsive theme. Responsive themes enable your website, and all its components (images, video, logo, menus etc) to adapt according to the device being used to access it and still maintain the same overall look and feel the website has on a desktop or laptop. Don’t lose prospective customers who are on the move and want what you have to offer but give up and move on because they have to click, scroll and zoom too much. Install a plug-in or use a responsive theme and be sure that your website isn’t just ready for summer, but for the 21st Century. Resources Check what your website looks on a range of devices with Screenfly. 8 Wordpress Plugins for Mobile Design Mobile Extensions for Joomla! mobile Create your own Responsive Template online