Land n Sand Oct / Nov 2013 | 页面 22

Before I could start to look for a vehicle, I had to first deal with some serious issues in my apartment. Due to the sensitive nature of these issues, I have never shared them with anyone until now. PLEASE TELL ME THE TOILET IS NOT IN THE (Deep breath) (second deep breath) (exhale) (hold breath) (enough now, I agree). O kay – The real, honest that I could not start for a vehicle until the toilet in my apar Ach. I’m breathing exhalin embarrassed to admit this, but All completely, absolutely true know anyone so I couldn’t reall on the neighbors door and as wasn’t sure was the protoco toilets was, so I tried to wor myself. Don’t get me wrong – I didn’t a large apartment. It was two (bedroom and general foyer), a and I assumed, brazenly, ob that there would be a bathro when I went into the bathroo