Lamplighters Yeshivah Annual Report 5777 Annual Report 5777 | Page 3

D e a r L a m p l i g h t e r s Ye s h i v a h’ s e s t e e m e d s t a k e h o l d e r s : p a r e n t s , t e a c h e r s , board of directors, supporters and community members, I’m proud to present our second Annual Report, a labor of love that we hope will provide you with a deeper perspec- tive on our growth, the impact of our work in the past year, and pertinent financial information. the most important constituents and supporters. In this report, you will learn more about who we are, how we’ve grown, our curriculum and technology advance- ments, budget, campaigns, the ways in which we serve the When you walk into Lamplighters, you notice cameras broader world of Jewish education, and more! Yet beyond everywhere, with real-time feeds of each class displayed on the numbers and metrics used to substantiate growth and a large screen in our “teacher room.” We actively engage our progress, we offer you our stories, our passion, and our parent body as co-educators through parent education, an commitment toward growth, transparency, and authentic- open door policy and opportunities for collaboration. Our ity. teachers and administrators are engaged in multiple lines of open communication with our parents, including over 300 WhatsApp threads reporting and recording each stu- dent’s progress, personal victories and challenge points. As innovators and trainers on the broader stage of Jewish ed- ucation, we actively share our model and curriculum, offer strategies, consult new schools and teach through online Information yields power. I pray this report acts to deep- en your trust in our vision and the work that we do at Lamplighters Yeshivah. With Hashem’s blessings and the Rebbe’s guidance, may we merit fully actualize our collec- tive mission to raise a generation of Lamplighters who will illuminate and transform the world. and inperson webinars and trainings. We are open. We are committed to a culture of radical Your partner, transparency, self-reflection and personalization-- and that doesn’t stop with our educational model. It is just as vital for us to lift the veil, open the door, on that part of our organization that too many times remains hidden to Yocheved Sidof