Lamplighters Yeshivah Annual Report 5777 Annual Report 5777 | Page 19

“Headed with Avremi to Lamplighters Yeshivah for a visit. He’s been begging to stop by and say hi. I don’t even have words to describe what it means to have my son in a school that not only is he looking forward to go back but is desperate to go in to visit.” -- Shaindel Siev (Parent) “Today was our first day of school here in Florida at Arevim Schoolhouse. Someone snapped a picture of me modeling use of a mat and sent it out. When I saw it, I just had to share it, along with my sincere gratitude for the time I spent at Lamp- lighters. As I probably have the most Jewish- Chassidic-Mon- tessori experience here, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that Lamplighters made ME a Lamplighter. Thank you!” — Rabbi Yaakov Hellinger (Teacher at Arevim Schoolhouse) 19