Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter September 2019

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 S EPTEMBER 2019 Mary Higgins, LPN, MDS Coordinator Retires Mary Higgins answered an ad for the ac- tivity director position at Stockton Nursing Home in 1990. In Kevin Costello’s infinite wisdom, she was offered the position of doing care planning and federal paper work instead. Mary has been a pillar in this role for the past 29 years. She keeps all res- ident federal and state assessments up to date and leads the care plan team in communicating the best compassionate individualized care of residents with their families. Mary plans to travel and enjoy reading and relaxing at home after her retirement on August 30. Carrie Meeks, RN and former Director of Nursing at LSHCF will be taking Mary’s place in the MDS Coordinator position. Friday, September 20 at LSHCF The proceeds from this bake sale will be used to purchase meals, refreshments and souvenirs for the residents at the Black Wal- nut Festival and other activity projects. Bake sale goods will be available at the facility all day and if there are enough left at 4 p.m. we will set up in Woods parking lot until we sell out. Please consider supporting us by donating home baked items or by stopping in to purchase sweet treats to take home! LAK E S TOCKTO N H EAL THCAR E FAC IL ITY 1523 3RD ROAD PO BOX 945 STO CKTO N, MO 65785-0945 417-276- 5126 F AX 417 -276 -6776 e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ ADM I NIS TRAT IO N: CHR IS MC BRAT NEY, ADM I NIS TRATOR CARRI E ME EKS, DIR ECTOR O F NURSI NG CATR ENA MART I N, BUS INESS O FF IC E D EBRA S TOCKTO N, SOC IAL S ERV IC ES SUZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NME NTAL SER VIC ES CH ELS IE HUDSO N, NUTR IT IO NAL SER VIC ES CH ERYL AHLERS , AC TI VI TY D IREC TOR RYA N K EI TH , MA I NT ENA NC E Black Walnut Festival September 26-28 We look forward to the festivities in the park every year. The weath- er plays a huge factor in the amount of time we are able to partici- pate. We plan to enjoy the entertainment and tour the craft and vendor booths on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday we will set up in the shade on the parade route. We are very proud of this community and this festival is a wonderful social event to keep friendships alive and well. “ LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK!!!