Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter November 2016

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 NOVEMBER 2016 Family Thanksgiving Fellowship Sunday, Nov. 20 Our goal is to provide a quality home-like atmosphere. Part of this effort is to provide family participation during this holiday season in our residents’ home. We invite you to attend our Thanksgiving Fellowship from 2 - 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 20. You are welcome to bring a dessert to share. Coffee and tea will be provided. Tables will be available in the main and south dining rooms and in FitzRoy. We appreciate your attentiveness to your loved ones and hope that you will join in on this event. Veterans Day November 11 We would like to salute the veterans currently residing in LSHCF: Without the efforts of these brave men and women we would not have the freedoms we enjoy every day. Army: Navy: Marines: Joe Thrailkill Betty Buchanan Joe Clayton Willis Gabriel Sam Bough Coast Guard: Zoe Combs Cleet Hopkins Don Clark Willis Cagle Bill Strong Air Force: Jack Zerkle Harry Beintema L A KE STO CKTO N H E AL T HC A RE F A C IL IT Y PO BO X 945 ST O C KT O N, M O e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ 6 5 7 8 5 -0945 ( 417) 276 - 5126 F A X ( 417)276 - 6 2 2 2 A D M INIST RAT IO N: KE V IN CO ST EL L O , A D M INIST RATO R C A RRIE ME E KS, D IRE C TO R OF NU RSING C A T RE NA MA RT IN, BU SINE SS O FF IC E D E BRA STO CKT O N, SO C IAL SE RV IC E S SU ZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NM E NT A L SE RV ICE S C H EL SIE HU DSO N, NU T RIT IO NAL SE RV IC ES C H E RYL A HL ERS, A C T IV ITY D IRE C TO R RYA N KE IT H , M A INTE NA NCE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!!